Webinar: Strengthen Your Incident Response | Aqueduct Technologies

Live webinar, lunch, and networking discussion around Cisco Security and Incident Response!

Organizations are under attack everywhere. In 2016, the average total cost of a data breach was $3.62 million, according to a study by Ponemon Institute.  Meanwhile, there’s a worldwide shortage of security professionals, which is estimated to reach 1.8 million by 2022, according to a 2017 report by Frost and Sullivan.  This talent shortage, combined with an increase in incidents, has led to a generally weak security posture among most organizations.  Successful attacks result in huge monetary losses, lost intellectual property, compromised client information and confidence, and lower corporate valuations.

Our first speaker, Rick Beaupre, Security Solutions Architect, Aqueduct Technologies provided a Cisco security update, followed by our second speaker, Michael Dayton, Security Services Business Development Manager who showcased how Cisco Security Incident Response Services (CSIRS) significantly strengthens your network and information security defenses, and puts you in a considerably better position to respond in the event of an incident.

Date: Thursday, October 18th, 2018
Time: 11:00am-11:45am EST
Location: Aqueduct Technologies Office | 333 Wyman Street, Suite 300, Waltham, MA